Horse Racing Software, Bet Selector

Neale Yardley and Bet Selector Profiles

This page is about Neale Yardley who is the programmer behind the Bet Selector software described here at

You can chat with Neale via email, mobile, WhatsApp or Telegram using the links below the left hand menu. Also below the left hand menu you will find Facebook and X (Twitter) logos that link to business profiles for Bet Selector.

Neale also has personal profiles on the Facebook and X (Twitter) social media sites and you can access these via the links below.

Facebook Profile:

X (Twitter) Profile:

Neale Yardley's Background

Neale Yardley

Neale Yardley grew up in Adelaide and his background is in computer programming which he first studied at Adelaide University in the late 70s. Neale moved to Canberra in the early 80s and started going to the local Canberra and Queanbeyan races (there wasn't much else to do in Canberra on the weekends). Being a keen reader it was not long before Neale came across copies of Don Scott's books The Winning Way and Winning More in a local bookstore and the ideas from these books helped him develop his Price Predictor handicapping software.

Initially Neale used his Price Predictor program for his own use on local races each Saturday but realising there was very little else like it on the market, he started selling it in April 1987. Neale advertised his program for sale in racing papers like the Sportsman and it wasn't long before Punters Choice reviewed it as "the first really good computerised weight handicapping method" later in 1987.

Capital Information Services

Neale established the business name Capital Information Services (originally registered in the ACT) in 1987 when he first started selling his software. He became well known in the early 90s when he wrote a series of articles for popular punting magazine Practical Punting Monthly on how to use computers for horse racing.

In the mid 90s Neale moved to the coastal village of Kingscliff on the far north coast of New South Wales. In more recent years as Neale kept adding new modules to Price Predictor, he changed the program's name to Bet Selector and established the additional business name Bet Selector to better reflect the broader nature of the software.

Neale's Mission Statement

Neale Yardley's specialty is providing computer based tools to help punters do what they want to do more quickly, more efficiently and more profitably. This goal is achieved predominantly through his eight different software modules namely the sophisticated handicapping component Price Predictor, the revolutionary betting mathematics module Tote Pro, the popular system testing module System Selector, the Extra Form module that displays statistics and extra past runs not in the normal form downloads, the System Analyser module that helps you design successful horse racing systems, the Race Day Live module for checking the TAB and bookie prices for your horse racing tips, the Staking Analyser module for analysing how system selections fair under different staking plans and the MyCalc module for creating your own formula for use in form analysis.

By providing a product that meets your needs, by regularly updating it and by listening to your feedback Neale believes he can be of much better service to you than some fly by nighter who takes your money and then forgets you. His mission is to concentrate on product development and customer satisfaction. The business customer relationship becomes a win-win situation as indeed it should be.

Neale Yardley does not rely on aggressive advertising to secure new clients but rather concentrates on doing repeat business with existing clients. Nevertheless Neale is happy to accept new clients and will be more than happy to answer your questions if there is anything on these web pages you want more information on. And if you do purchase something, you can be assured that Neale will do everything possible to cater for your existing and future requirements in his ongoing process of software upgrades.